Test First Name Last Name Email Region:--None--East Midlands West Midlands East of England Yorkshire and the Humber North East England North West England South East England South West England Wales Scotland London Northern Ireland Company Industry:--None--Ambulance Banking Care Central Government Charity Childcare Cleaning Construction Consultancy Culture Energy Engineering Environment Finance Fire Football Health Higher Education Hospitality Housing Law Local Authority Manufacturing Media/Comms NDPB Online Retailer Other Private Sector Other Public Sector Other Third Sector Pharmaceutical Police Professional Services Property Recruitment Religious Institution Retail Schools Security Services Social Enterprise Tech Telecomms Think Tank Trade Union Training Transport Wholesale Size of Organisation:--None--<= 10 11 <= 50 51 <= 250 251 <= 500 >= 501 Questions:--None--What are the Living Wage rates? When are the Living Wage rates announced? What about our cleaners and other contracted staff? What are the fees for Living Wage Foundation accreditation? What counts as London? What if I share a building and/or contractors? What about apprentices and interns? Is there a minimum number of staff required to become an accredited Living Wage employer?