Living Wage Places

What is Living Wage

Living Wage Places celebrates geographical areas where communities and businesses are working in partnership to tackle in-work poverty.

The Living Wage Places project puts the real Living Wage at the heart of local debates around more inclusive economies. The model celebrates local employer Action Groups for achieving recognition for a commitment to Making a Living Wage Place.

It provides an opportunity for employers from the public, private and third sector to work collaboratively to address in-work poverty to re-build identity and prosperity within their local communities.

Please see the Living Wage Places Briefing Guide to find out how you can work towards recognition for Making a Living Wage Place.

Benefits of Making Living Wage Places recognition

Impact of the scheme:

  • more workers can earn a wage that reflects living costs, helping lift families out of in-work poverty, and providing workers with enough to get by
  • local people can enjoy higher levels of disposable income, and local businesses benefit from increased spending

Employers involved in local action groups can:

  • access new partnerships and develop relationships with key local stakeholders
  • increase the profile of their organisation
  • play a leading role in helping tackle low pay and in-work poverty
  • enjoy positive marketing of their role in the scheme
  • help raise the positive profile of their community

Who is on the Living Wage Places Journey?

Making Dundee a Living Wage City

Dundee City became the first UK city to be recognised for it's Living Wage ambition. It aims to double the number of workers covered by Living Wage accreditation over a period of three years.

Making Scottish Borders a Living Wage Place

They aim to accredit 60 new employers and uplift 600 workers to the real Living Wage over 3 years, more than doubling the number of accredited employers in the region.

Making Edinburgh a Living Wage City

The Edinburgh Living Wage City action plan aims to double the number of Living Wage accredited businesses to over 900 across the city over the next few years.

Making Aberdeen a Living Wage City

The Aberdeen Living Wage City action plan aims to double the number of Living Wage accredited businesses across the city over the next few years.

"Business leaders have told us how important being recognised as a Living Wage employer is to their retention & recruitment. Being a Living Wage City, which is known for investing in people, is a really exciting ambition that we are thrilled to continue driving forward"

Alison Henderson, CEO of Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce & Member of Dundee LW Action Group 

"It’s about embedding a culture of Fair Work and giving staff financial security, showing them that they’re truly valued for the contribution they make. And the benefits for employers include being able to keep and attract skilled staff – something many businesses are struggling with right now.."

Councillor Kate Campbell, Fair Work Convener and Co-Chair of the Edinburgh Living Wage City Action Group

"This is a huge step in the right direction and supports the workforce of Aberdeen having to face the cost of living crisis. We urge employers to support the movement which will help ensure workers earn enough to meet their needs."

Councillor Christian Allard, Convenor Anti-Poverty & Inequality Committee, Aberdeen City Council

"There is a real opportunity for positive change in our communities coming out of Covid restrictions and my hope is that this group will be part of that change by addressing low pay in the Eildon locality."

Councillor Andy Anderson, Chair of Eildon Living Wage Action Group (ELWAG)

Contact to find out more about Living Wage Places