Meet Rona Hunter – CEO Capital City Partnership

29 September 2022

Capital City Partnership is the anchor delivery body for Edinburgh’s employability strategy, working together to tackle inequality and poverty. Their key tasks are to advise, support and develop the city’s Jobs Strategy, and to contract, performance manage and improve outcomes from funded employability services. We recently spoke to Rona Hunter, Chief Executive Officer, who told us a bit more about herself and the organisation.

Why is paying the real Living Wage important for your organisation?

It reflects our core culture and values and also is a clear statement on our commitment to quality employment and working conditions.  The ethos of Capital City Partnership is incredibly important to attracting staff and retaining talent and we’ve found committing to the Living Wage is something tangible that helps tremendously when recruiting and is greatly appreciated.

Why do you think committing to the real Living Wage is important for workers in Edinburgh City/more widely?

Most of us have worked a number of jobs in our careers and know what it is like to count every penny so having a quality benchmark that is clear and distinctive around wages gives workers a better understanding of what is on offer and helps them make informed choices.  In these times of competitive recruitment it is a valuable tool for both workers and employers.  It gives certain assurances and builds confidence on both sides.

What do you think are the barriers that must be overcome to see more workers paid the real Living Wage?

We need to better communicate the benefits of the Living Wage.  Employers need to be supported to understand and adopt the Living Wage.  Having service standards around working conditions benefit everyone so much especially when you’re trying to attract and retain staff.  It helps from a business model and reflects the wider fairer society we all strive for.

What’s the best thing about your job?

I work with a brilliant team of forward thinking people who have the drive to make a difference to the lives of so many people.  When you strip everything away, the core of most successful workplaces is the quality of staff and nurturing their talent is what I enjoy the most.  I’ve got staff who entered at a relatively junior level who are now confident senior managers with amazing ideas and enthusiasm and it’s what makes us so good at what we do.

What is your favourite view in the world?

The view from The Empire State building as day turns to night takes some beating.  I love the buzz and organised chaos of Manhattan and also the architecture of the Chrysler Building so this view helps me appreciate both.

What are you most looking forward to?

We’ve been working incredibly hard on our forward plan to help tackle poverty and inequality and I’m looking forward to seeing how the foundations of this work grow and impact over the next few years.  We have a clear vision and remit and it’s needed more than ever.

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